Friday, 27 August 2010

London.... Madame Tussauds Wax Works

Robert Pattinson

Johnny Depp


Whoopi Goldberg

John Wayne

Marilyn Monroe

Shane Warne

Lewis Hamilton

Mohammed Ali

Princess Diana

Prince William

Queen Elizabeth and Duke of Edinburgh
Jimi Hendrix


Margaret Thatcher

Barack Obama
Graham Norton

London.... Regent Park and Rose Gardens

Rob and I walked through Regent Part and Rose Garden from one side to the other. It took us ages to walk through but it was a lovely walk. Really pretty and loads of things to look at.

Tuesday, 24 August 2010

London.... ZOO

Rob and I went to the London zoo. It was Giraffe day at the zoo.
The zoo way really good and we had loads of fun. My favourite was the giraffes and the turtles.
Rob really liked the tiggers and the monkeys.